How often should you use bicycle chain lubricant? How to properly maintain the chain?


How often should you use bicycle chain lubricant?

Factors that determine the frequency of bicycle chain lubricant use, such as the riding environment, weather conditions, riding distance, and the condition of the chain, will all affect when it is necessary to add bicycle chain lubricant.

riding environment
Dry and dusty environments: In these environments, chain lubricants tend to evaporate and attract dust, requiring more frequent lubrication. Usually it needs to be relubricated every 100-150 kilometers.
Wet and muddy conditions: Rainy days and muddy roads will accelerate the loss of lubricant, so the chain needs to be cleaned and lubricated after every ride.
weather conditions
Dry weather: In dry weather conditions, chain lubricating oil is easy to evaporate, so it is recommended to lubricate every 100-150 kilometers.
Wet Weather: In wet weather, the chain should be cleaned and lubricated after each ride to prevent rust and wear.
Riding distance
Cycling short distances: If you ride short distances every day, it is recommended to check and lubricate the chain every 1-2 weeks.
Long distance riding: If you ride long distances, it is recommended to lubricate the chain every 100-150 kilometers to keep it in optimal condition.
chain condition
Clean your chain: Your chain should be re-lubricated every time you clean it, no matter how far you ride.
Noise and Running Condition: If the chain starts to make unusual noises or not run smoothly, this is a clear sign that lubrication is needed. Check the chain regularly to make sure it is always lubricated.

Based on the above factors, under normal riding conditions, it is recommended that riders should lubricate the chain every 100-150 kilometers. In wet or muddy conditions, the chain should be cleaned and lubricated after each ride.
At the same time, check the condition of the chain regularly and clean, maintain and lubricate it as needed to ensure that your bicycle chain is always in optimal operating condition.

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